Scraping exercises

This page contains several scraping exercises inspired, that is, copied, from also available in

Most of the code, however, has been changed because, as time goes by, the web content is modified and old code does not work anymore.


  1. Start any exercise looking the website you are asked to scrap.
  2. Devise your scraping strategy
  3. Execute
  4. Check the consistency of what you have obtained. Clean it whenever needed
  5. Eventually analyze the data

Exercise 1

Consider the url ‘

Extract all the information load on table.

Exercise 2

Consider the url ‘

Extract all the papers names, from 001-30 to 268-30

HINT: Use selectorgagdget to see that selector cite is asso ciated with the paper titles.

Exercise 3

Consider the url ‘

Extract all the options (Countries) availables on select button.

Exercise 4

Consider the url ‘

Extract all the topics available on the url.

Exercise 5

Consider the url ‘

Extract all inmobiliaries names published on first page.

Exercise 6

Consider the url=‘’ and the words ‘handy’,‘whisper’,‘lovely’,‘scrape’.

Build a data frame, where the first variables is “Word” and the second variables is “definitions”. Scrape the definitions from the url.

Exercise 7 (not in the original list)

  • Write a script to find out which actor appears in higher number of Star War movies.

  • Hint: The idea is similar to the previous exercise but with a litlle more work you can

  1. Start in a page that gives you access to the list of Star Wars Films (try googling “Star Wars IMDB”)
  2. From here write a function to extract the authors list from an IMDB whose URL is providd
  3. Apply the function to the URLs list and
  4. Tabulate or plot