function.This notebook contains code and examples to extend or clarify some topics from the “Advanced Statistical Inference” course.
Simulation is often used to study sampling properties of estimators.
The example below compares three different estimators for the mean of a distribution based on an iid sample of size n:
# function to view the first k lines of a data frame
view <- function(dat,k){
message <- paste("First",k,"rows")
krows <- dat[1:k,]
# function to calculate summary statistics across the 1000
# data sets
simsum <- function(dat,trueval){
S <- nrow(dat)
MCmean <- apply(dat,2,mean)
MCbias <- MCmean-trueval
MCrelbias <- MCbias/trueval
MCstddev <- sqrt(apply(dat,2,var))
MCMSE <- apply((dat-trueval)^2,2,mean)
# MCMSE <- MCbias^2 + MCstddev^2 # alternative lazy calculation
sumdat <- rbind(rep(trueval,3),S,MCmean,MCbias,MCrelbias,MCstddev,MCMSE,
names <- c("true value","# sims","MC mean","MC bias","MC relative bias",
"MC standard deviation","MC MSE","MC relative efficiency")
ests <- c("Sample mean","Trimmed mean","Median")
dimnames(sumdat) <- list(names,ests)
# function to generate S data sets of size n from normal
# distribution with mean mu and variance sigma^2
generate.normal <- function(S,n,mu,sigma){
dat <- matrix(rnorm(n*S,mu,sigma),ncol=n,byrow=T)
# Note: for this very simple data generation, we can get the data
# in one step like this, which requires no looping. In more complex
# statistical models, looping is often required to set up each
# data set, because the scenario is much more complicated. Here is
# a loop to get the same data as above; try running the program and see
# how much longer it takes!
# dat <- NULL
# for (i in 1:S){
# Y <- rnorm(n,mu,sigma)
# dat <- rbind(dat,Y)
# }
out <- list(dat=dat)
# function to generate S data sets of size n from gamma
# distribution with mean mu, variance sigma^2 mu^2
generate.gamma <- function(S,n,mu,sigma){
a <- 1/(sigma^2)
s <- mu/a
dat <- matrix(rgamma(n*S,shape=a,scale=s),ncol=n,byrow=T)
# Alternative loop
# dat <- NULL
# for (i in 1:S){
# Y <- rgamma(n,shape=a,scale=s)
# dat <- rbind(dat,Y)
# }
out <- list(dat=dat)
# function to generate S data sets of size n from a t distribution
# with df degrees of freedom centered at the value mu (a t distribution
# has mean 0 and variance df/(df-2) for df>2)
generate.t <- function(S,n,mu,df){
dat <- matrix(mu + rt(n*S,df),ncol=n,byrow=T)
# Alternative loop
# dat <- NULL
# for (i in 1:S){
# Y <- mu + rt(n,df)
# dat <- rbind(dat,Y)
# }
out <- list(dat=dat)
# function to compute the 20% trimmed mean
trimmean <- function(Y){mean(Y,0.2)}
A possibly “fair” comparison would be to generate data from each of these distributions with the same mean and variance and see how the three methods perform on a relative basis under each condition.
# set the seed for the simulation
# set number of simulated data sets and sample size
S <- 1000
n <- 15
# generate data --Distribution choices are normal with mu,sigma
# (rnorm), gamma (rgamma) and student t (rt)
mu <- 1
sigma <- sqrt(5/3)
# out <- generate.normal(S,n,mu,sigma) # generate normal samples
# out <- generate.gamma(S,n,mu,sigma) # generate gamma samples
out <- generate.t(S,n,mu,5) # generate t_5 samples
# get the sample means from each data set
outsampmean <- apply(out$dat,1,mean)
# get the sample trimmed mean from each data set
outtrimmean <- apply(out$dat,1,trimmean)
# get the sample median from each data set
outmedian <- apply(out$dat,1,median)
# now we can summarize -- remember, mu is the true value of the mean
# for the true distribution of the data
# get the 1000 estimates for each method
summary.sim <- data.frame(mean=outsampmean,trim=outtrimmean,
# print out the first 5 of them (round to 4 decimal places)
## First 5 rows
## mean trim median
## 1 1.0050 0.8098 0.6849
## 2 0.7306 0.6832 0.4962
## 3 0.6780 0.7226 0.6700
## 4 0.8546 0.9171 1.2150
## 5 1.0346 1.2359 1.2528
# get summary statistics for each estimator
results <- simsum(summary.sim,mu)
## Sample mean Trimmed mean Median
## true value 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
## # sims 1000.00000 1000.00000 1000.00000
## MC mean 0.98304 0.98499 0.98474
## MC bias -0.01696 -0.01501 -0.01526
## MC relative bias -0.01696 -0.01501 -0.01526
## MC standard deviation 0.33067 0.31198 0.35016
## MC MSE 0.10952 0.09746 0.12273
## MC relative efficiency 1.00000 1.12370 0.89238
# Some additional calculation for the sample mean
# average of estimated standard errors for sample mean
# usual standard error for sample mean from each data set <- sqrt(apply(out$dat,1,var)/n)
# take the average
ave.sampmeanses <- mean(
# coverage of usual confidence interval based on sample mean
t05 <- qt(0.975,n-1)
coverage <- sum((outsampmean-t05* <= mu) &
(outsampmean+t05* >= mu))/S
## [1] 0.948
The LLN can be illustrated in the context of a sequence of iid Bernoulli random variables.
We fix the parameter at p=0.3. We then consider a varying number n of such random variables and the corresponding sums. We know that these are binomial with parameters (n,p) The plot below draws, for each n, the 10-percentile and the 90-percentile of Bin(n,p).
p = 0.3
n = 20*(1:50)
L = qbinom(0.10, n, p)/n
U = qbinom(0.90, n, p)/n
plot(n, rep(p, length(n)), type = "n", ylim = c(min(L), max(U)), xlab="n", ylab = "")
segments(n, L, n, U, lwd = 2, col = "black")
abline(h = p, lty = 2)
n = 2^(10:20)
L = qbinom(0.10, n, p)/n
U = qbinom(0.90, n, p)/n
plot(n, rep(p, length(n)), log = "x", type = "n", ylim = c(min(L), max(U)), xlab="n", ylab = "")
segments(n, L, n, U, lwd = 2, col = "black")
abline(h = p, lty = 2)
The Law of Large Numbers provides a first-order limit, which is deterministic: The sequence of partial means converges to the mean of the underlying distribution generating the random variables.
The Central Limit Theorem provides a second-order limit, which does not exist in a deterministic sence, but does in the distributional sense: The sequence of partial means, when standardized, converges in distribution to the standard normal distribution. (This assumes that the underlying distribution has finite second moment.)
To see this, we go back to the binomial example above, but we track down multiple quantiles of the successive (standardized) binomial distributions.
p = 0.3
n = 20*(1:50)
Q = matrix(NA, 50, 9) # each row stores the quantiles of standardized binomial distribution
for (k in 1:50){
Q[k, ] = (qbinom((1:9)/10, n[k], p) - n[k]*p)/sqrt(n[k]*p*(1-p))
matplot(n, Q, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = 4, xlab = "n", ylab = "quantiles")
abline(h = qnorm((1:9)/10), lty = 2) # quantiles of the standard normal distribution
A typical illustration of the CLT for the sample mean.
datos[[1]] <- matrix(runif(10000),nrow=1000)
datos[[2]] <- matrix(rexp(10000),nrow=1000)
datos[[3]] <- matrix(rnorm(10000),nrow=1000)
for (i in 1:3){
hist(m1, 20, main=paste(names(datos)[i], "n=1", sep="\n"), cex.main=0.8);
hist(m2, 20, main=paste(names(datos)[i], "n=2 (mean)", sep="\n"), cex.main=0.8)
hist(m3, 20, main=paste(names(datos)[i], "n=10 (mean)", sep="\n"), cex.main=0.8)
Strictly speaking we are not illustrating the CLT here. What should we do for a better illustration?
This is a simple analogy, found in Quora, that captures some aspects of the difference:
-Suppose we have a committee with 100 members. - Imagine there is one meeting of the committee everyday throughout the year, and that we want to know about attendance on the committee. - Alost sure convergence is a bit like asking whether almost all members had perfect attendance. - Convergence in probability is a bit like asking whether all meetings were almost full.
If almost all members have perfect attendance, then each meeting must be almost full (convergence almost surely implies convergence in probability)
But if all meetings were nearly full, it isn’t necessary that any member has perfect attendance (eg, each member might have been absent on one distinct day). Convergence in probability does not imply convergence almost surely.
Convergence almost surely means that Xn(w) gets close to X(w) as n increases for almost all elements w of the sample space. It’s a statement about convergence of Xn(w) for many individual w.
Convergence in probability means that the set of elements w of the sample space for which Xn(w) is close to X(w) has probability approaching 1. It’s a statement about the size of the set of w which satisfy the closeness property, but not about any one w.
The empirical distribution function can be intuitively described through the following algorithm.
Take a sample and consider it “fixed”
Sort it
consider values x that go from −∞ to ∞ or, simply, from below the smallest number (e.g. min(X0)−1) to above the highest value (e.g.max(x0)+1).
Build two vectors as followss:
The values of y form an approximation to the empirical cdf of x0
Implement an R function that generates the empirical distibution function given a sample.
R has a function implemented that computes the ecdf.º
x0<-c(0.4,-0.6, 1.8,0.5,-2.0, 0.7, -0.5, -1.1, -0.2, -0.7)
Fn <- ecdf(x0)
round(Fn(sort(x0)), 2)
## [1] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
## [1] -2.0 -1.1 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.8
## [1] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Functions ecdf
and plot.ecdf
facilitate the
visualization of the empirical cdf.
op <- par(mfrow=c(3,1), mgp=c(1.5, 0.8,0), mar= .1+c(3,3,2,1))
x0 <- round(rnorm(12),3)
## [1] -0.560 -0.230 1.559 0.071 0.129 1.715 0.461 -1.265 -0.687 -0.446
## [11] 1.224 0.360
Fn12 <- ecdf(x0)
## Empirical CDF: 12 unique values with summary
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1.2650 -0.4745 0.1000 0.1943 0.6518 1.7150
plot(Fn12, verticals= TRUE, do.points = FALSE)
plot(Fn12 , lwd = 2) ; mtext("lwd = 2", adj=1)
xx <- unique(sort(c(seq(-3, 2, length=201), knots(Fn12))))
lines(xx, Fn12(xx), col='blue')
plot(xx, Fn12(xx), type='o', cex=.1)#- plot.default {ugly}
plot(Fn12, col.hor='red', add= TRUE) #- plot method
## luxury plot
plot(Fn12, verticals=TRUE, col.points='blue',
col.hor='red', col.vert='bisque')
##-- this works too (automatic call to ecdf(.)):
title("via simple plot.ecdf(x)", adj=1)
For the normal distribution
for(n in c(10, 20, 50, 100)){
x<- sort(rnorm(n))
plot.ecdf(x, main=paste ("Empirical cdf \n (Samples from N(0,1)), n=", n), cex.main=0.7)
tcdf<- pnorm(x)
Or the uniform distribution
for(n in c(10, 20, 50, 100)){
x<- sort(runif(n))
plot.ecdf(x, main=paste ("Empirical cdf (Samples from U(0,1)), n=", n))
tcdf<- punif(x)
# Asignación de los datos a un vector
x <- c(94,197,16,38,99,141,23)
#Calculo de la media y de su error estandar
theta <- mean(x)
stderrtheta <- sqrt(var (x)/length(x))
#Visualizacion de la media y de su error estandar
cat("theta = " , theta,"\n")
## theta = 86.85714
cat("Error estandard de theta = " , stderrtheta,"\n")
## Error estandard de theta = 25.23549
# Preparacion del remuestreo
# Numero de remuestras
# Creación de un vector en donde guardar las remuestras
distboot<- rep(NA,nboot)
# Remuestreo
for (b in 1:nboot)
distboot[b] <-mean (x.boot)
# Error estandar bootstrap
stderrboot <-sqrt(var(distboot))
#Visualizacion del error estandar bootstrap
cat("Error estandard bootstrap= " , stderrboot,"\n")
## Error estandard bootstrap= 24.80987
# Distribucion bootstrap
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 36.43 67.43 85.36 85.13 100.61 143.57
bootstrapsSeMean <- function(x, B){
res <- numeric(B)
for(i in 1:B)
res[i] <- mean(sample(x, replace=TRUE))
res <- sd(res)
x <- c(94,197,16,38,99,141,23)
bootstrapsSeMean (x, 100)
## [1] 23.19016
bootstrapSeMedian <- function(x, B){
res <- numeric(B)
for(i in 1:B)
res[i] <- median(sample(x, replace=TRUE))
res <- sd(res)
bootstrapSeMedian(x, 1000)
## [1] 38.83399
The histogram of all estimations computed on all the resamples is an approximation to the bootstrap distribution of the statistic.
if (!require(bootstrap)) install.packages("bootstrap", dep=TRUE)
## Cargando paquete requerido: bootstrap
theta <- function(ind) {
cor(law[ind, 1], law[ind, 2], method = "pearson")
theta0 <- cor(law$LSAT, law$GPA)
# for(b in 1:5){
# indiv<- sample(1:15, replace=TRUE)
# show(t(resample <- law[indiv,]))
# show(cor(resample)[1,2])
# }
law.boot <- bootstrap(1:15, 1000, theta)
## Length Class Mode
## thetastar 1000 -none- numeric
## func.thetastar 0 -none- NULL
## jack.boot.val 0 -none- NULL
## 0 -none- NULL
## call 4 -none- call
An approximation to the bootstrap distribution.
There are many ways to use the bootstrap to compute confidence intervals.
The simplest one is assuming normality of the estimator and uise the standard error to build normal confidence intervals:
ci1 <- qnorm(p=c(.025, .975),
## [1] 0.5156287 1.0371203
The bootstrap percentile method relies on the quantiles of the bootstrap distribution-
quantile(law.boot$thetastar, c(0.025, 0.975))
## 2.5% 97.5%
## 0.4816260 0.9648576
For improved estimators it is preferable to use built-in functions
such as those available in packages boot
packageProgramming the resampling process from scratch can be useful for a better understanding but depending on the it may be slower, complex (depending on the statistic to be bootstrapped) and often less efficient.
Resampling packages allow an easier execution of the process and, althoug they are more of the “black box” type, they should be the option of choice for many problems.
Information on how to use some resampling packages can be found here
File scores5.dat
contains the scores in 5 topics of 88
U.B. students.
θ is used to represent the percentage of variability explained by the first principal component.
Let ^λ1>^λ2>...>^λ5 be the eigenvalues of ˆ∑, the MLE of ∑. From here, by the functional invariance principle of the MLE one has: ˆθ=^λ1∑ni=1^λi ### Describe how can one resample the data matrix to obtain an approximation of the bootstrap distribution of ˆθ. Using the process derived above compute a bootstrap estimate of the standard error of ˆθ.
This is an scenario in which each observation is a multivariate random vector of five components, which corresponds to each row of the data matrix.
Resampling from the empirical distribution means resampling the data matrix by rows, in order to maintain each original observation.
A bootstrap sample of the data matrix X would be a matrix XB with the same dimensions than X whose rows would be randomly sampled with replacement from the rows of X.
In this case, we will proceed as follows: Repeate B = 1000 times 1. Create a newly resampled dataset by taking 5 samples with replacement of the whole rows 2. Compute the covariance matrix on the resampled dataset and then its eigen values λbi, i=1,...,5 and then ˆθb=λb1∑iλbi. 3. Finally, we will compute the standard error of ˆθ.
theta <- evalues[1]/sum(evalues); theta
## [1] 0.7300532
distboot<- rep(NA,n)
for (i in 1:n){
bootindexes <- sample ( nrow ( datamatrix ),replace = TRUE )
bootmatrix <- datamatrix [ bootindexes ,]
distboot[i] <-evalues1[1]/sum(evalues1)
stderrboot <-sqrt(var(distboot)); stderrboot
## [1] 0.04159342
The bias of an estimator is defined as b(ˆθ)=E(ˆθ)−θ. Bias can be estimated using the bootstrap as folllows: Thinling of the equivalence of “roles” between real world and bootstrap world we can set
And the bias corrected estimate of θ is
Finally recall that although these should be exact bootstrap estimates, they can be approximated using Monte Carlo resampling and taking the mean of the resampled vvalues.
^EB(ˆθ)≃1BB∑b=1ˆθb In our example we would simply do:
Etheta <- mean(distboot);Etheta
## [1] 0.7288113
theta <- evalues[1]/sum(evalues);theta
## [1] 0.7300532
btheta<- Etheta - theta; btheta
## [1] -0.001241937
thetaCB <- 2 *theta - Etheta; thetaCB
## [1] 0.7312951
Notice that all results are very similar. That is in spite of how “reasonable” the approach may seem we may need some theoretical results or some simluation analysis to decide up to what point the bias adjustment improves the estimator.
Given a test of simple hypotheses H0:θ=θ0, vs H1:θ=θ1 about a parameter θ, with critical (rejection) region W,
For example: Given a sample of a binomial distribution where: n=10, whch we want to use to test the hypotheses : p=0.2 vs p>0.2, the critical region with size α<0.05 is es W={x∈{4,5,6,7,8,9,10}} because:
probsacum <- pbinom(0:10, size=10, prob=0.2)
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 0.107 0.376 0.678 0.879 0.967 0.994 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
The power function is just: β(p)=Pp(W)=Pp(X≥4) which can be plotted doing:
probabs <- seq(0,1,by=0.01)
potenc <- 1-pbinom(4, size=10, prob=probabs)
plot (probabs,potenc, main="Funcion de potencia")
abline(v=0.2); abline(h=1- pbinom(4, size=10, prob=0.2))
A simple way to define the power of a test isthe probability of the critical region under the alternative hypothesis.
In simple cases it is possible to calculate this power analytically
or using R functions such as: power.t.test
or related.
For example, suppose we wish to study a drug that lowers blood pressure. We have 50 people in a control group and 50 in a treated group and we expect the pressure to have a mean value of 150 (mmHg) and a deviation of 15 mmHg in the control group, and to be at least 10mmHg lower in the treated group.
With this information we can now calculate the power function for a sample size (n) and a given effect size or minimum difference (“delta”).
## Two-sample t test power calculation
## n = 50
## delta = 10
## sd = 15
## sig.level = 0.01
## power = 0.8316693
## alternative = one.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group
Given that power and sample size are usually inversely related, the same function can be used to find the sample size required to reach a certain power (“power”), given the values of the effect size (“delta”), standard deviation (“sd”) and significance level (“sig.level”).
To compute n here, set this parameter to “NULL” and assign values to all the remaining parameters.
## Two-sample t test power calculation
## n = 72.33865
## delta = 10
## sd = 15
## sig.level = 0.01
## power = 0.95
## alternative = one.sided
## NOTE: n is number in *each* group
Imagine now (Exercise 1.2.4) you are required to find the sample size needed to have a 95% chance of rejecting H0:μ=0 vs H1:μ>0 at α=0.01 if the true change is 1.5 sec. decrease in time.
Assuming the standard deviation is 3, and has been estimated, Chiara and Hesterberg (Mathematical Statistics wirth Resampling and R) provide the following ex`planation:
## One-sample t test power calculation
## n = 65.82776
## delta = 1.5
## sd = 3
## sig.level = 0.01
## power = 0.95
## alternative = one.sided
One of the most common problems with statistical inference is not being able to verify some assumptions of the assumed model for the data, such as normality.
In these cases, it is usual to consider different alternatives such as non-parametric tests, (which is usually labeled as having little power) or permutations tests.
The logic of a permutations test, which we introduce in a simplified way for the case of a two-group comparison problem, is as follows:
The values of the test statistics calculated on all permutations constitute an approximation to the so the p-value of the test can be calculated as:
p=PH0[T(X1,X2)≥T(x01,x02)]≃#T(X1,X2)≥T(x01,x02)Number of permutations In practice, the number of permutations is usually very large, so the above process is carried out in an approximate way, taking a smaller number of random permutations.
The figure below illustrates the procedure used in a permutations test to compare two samples.
We You want to compare the mean survival time in weeks of two groups of mice affected by liver disease that have been treated with a drug (z) or a placebo (y).
The values obtained have been:
tr <- c( 94, 197, 16, 38, 99, 141, 23)
y <- c( 52, 104, 146, 10, 51, 30, 40, 27, 46)
testInSample<- mean(tr) - mean(y)
The difference in means is {r} testInSample
To obtain a single permutation of the data, we combine the data and then sample without replacement two “mock” tr and y vectors.
testFun<- function(x1,x2){
nt<- length(tr)
ny<- length(y)
N<- nt+ny
s <- sample(c(tr, y), N, FALSE)
trp <- s[1:nt]
yp <- s[(nt+1):N]
testFun(yp, trp)
## [1] 10.06349
If we repeat this process a large number of times, we can build our approximate permutation distribution (i.e., the sampling distribution for the mean-difference).
The result will be a vector of the differences from each permutation (i.e., our distribution):
NPerm <- 2000
testValues <- numeric(NPerm)
for (i in 1:NPerm){
permutedS<- sample(s, N, FALSE)
trp <- permutedS[1:nt]
yp <- permutedS[(nt+1):N]
testValues[i]<- testFun(yp, trp)
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -75.0159 -18.6349 0.4127 1.2176 21.4921 86.2540
We can look at our distribution using hist and draw a vertical line for our observed difference:
abline(v = testInSample, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
A rough estimation of the permutation p-value, based on the formula above is
sum(testValues >= testInSample)/length(testValues)
## [1] 0.15
That is, in this example we would not reject H0 based on the results of the permutation test performed.
We don’t always need to build our own permutation distributions
(though it is good to know how to do it). R provides a package to
conduct permutation tests called coin. We can compare our p-value (and
associated inference) from above with the result from
This example is taken directly from the practrical part from the excelent tutorial on the delta method available at: Delta Method in Epidemiology: An Applied and Reproducible Tutorial
To illustrate the use of the delta-method the authors simulate data based on a cancer epidemiology example.
The goal is to estimate the effect of the presence of comorbidities (binary indicator) on one-year cancer mortality in cancer patients controlling for the confounding effect of age in a cohort of 1,000 individuals in their middle age.
It is assumed that it is an extremely lethal type of cancer (i.e., pancreatic cancer) thus they can expect high one-year mortality rate. - Age in years was generated as a normal random variable with mean 65 years and standard deviation of 5 years. - Comorbidities was generated as a binary indicator and as a function of age using a binomial model. - Patients one-year mortality rate was generated as a function of the patients age and the presence of comorbidities using a binomial distribution.
The data generation and models specifications are provide here below
## Adjuntando el paquete: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
generateData <- function(n, seed){
age <- rnorm(n, 65, 5)
cmbd <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob = plogis(1 - 0.05 * age))
Y <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob = plogis(1 - 0.02* age - 0.02 * cmbd))
data.frame(Y, cmbd, age)
# Describing the data
data <- generateData(n = 1000, seed = 777)
## 'data.frame': 1000 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ Y : int 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ cmbd: int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...
## $ age : num 67.4 63 67.6 63 73.2 ...
Status = mean(Y),
Comorbidities = mean(cmbd),
Age = mean(age))
## Status Comorbidities Age
## 1 0.411 0.089 65.00988
As a simple first example they derive the SE for the single probability or risk of death using the delta-method.
In the code below, we compute the risk or probability of death based on the empirical sample proportion and its variance. We define the probability of death as the functional f(p)=ˆp and its variance is a known quantity: var(ˆp)=ˆp(1−ˆp)n Compute it with the simulated data:
# Risk of death
p_hat = mean(data$Y)
## [1] 0.411
# Variance for the risk of death
n = nrow(data)
var_p_hat = p_hat * (1 - p_hat) / n
## [1] 0.000242079
# Standard error estimate
se_exact <- sqrt(var_p_hat)
## [1] 0.01555889
In order to compare the exact standard error estimate with the the delta method estimate we only need to recall that, in this case, the first derivative of f is equal to one. So the variance of the risk of death can be estimated using:
varΔ(f(ˆp))=[f′(p)]2var(ˆp)=1⋅var(ˆp) This yields the following naïve estimate:
dev_p_hat = 1
se_risk = sqrt((dev_p_hat) * var_p_hat)
## [1] 0.01555889
While it is not needed in this case the delta method estimate of the
risk can be computed used the msm
# To check that our results are consistent with the implementation of the
# delta-method function provide by the sms R package used for
# advanced Geographical Analysis.
if (!require(msm)) install.packages("msm")
## Cargando paquete requerido: msm
se_risk_delta = deltamethod(g = ~ x1,
mean = p_hat,
cov = var_p_hat)
## [1] 0.01555889
## Are the same se_risk and se_risk_delta?
if(se_risk == se_risk_delta) print("Yes")
## [1] "Yes"
## Adjuntando el paquete: 'boot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:msm':
## cav
thetahat <- function(dat,ind){
dt <- dat[ind]
phat <- mean(dt)
myBootstrap <- boot(data$Y, thetahat, R=100)
se_risk_boot <- sd(myBootstrap$t)
We can now compare the three estimates of standard error:
cat("Standard error for proportion estimates.\n")
## Standard error for proportion estimates.
cat("Analytical : ", "\t", se_exact, "\n")
## Analytical : 0.01555889
cat("Delta Method : ", "\t", se_risk_delta, "\n")
## Delta Method : 0.01555889
cat("Bootstrap : ", "\t", se_risk_boot, "\n")
## Bootstrap : 0.01546471
This document illustrates some of the computations seen in the document “Numerical Optimization of Likelihoods”.
Most statistical software allows plotting densities but not likelihood functions.
Usually, in order to work with likelihoods we will write some function that implements it, although there are alternatives.
Assume by example the gamma distribution f(x;α,β) with shape and scale parameters a (or α) and s (or β) respectively: f(x;α,β)=1/(βαΓ(α))x(α−1)e−(x/β).
If we restrict to the distribution with scale parameter β=1 we have: f(x;α)=1/Γ(α)x(α−1)e−x.
From above, the likelihood function can be derived as: L(α|(x1,...,xn))=−n⋅ln(Γ(α))+(α−1)n∑i=1lnxi−n∑i=1xi.
We can write a function implementing this likelihoos or use the one available in R.
logl <- function(alpha, x)
return(sum(dgamma(x, shape = alpha, log = TRUE)))
or, in a better version:
logl <- function(alpha, x) {
if (length(alpha) > 1) stop("alpha must be scalar")
if (alpha <= 0) stop("alpha must be positive")
return(sum(dgamma(x, shape = alpha, log = TRUE)))
The code below shows how to plot the likelihood for a sample, given β=1
x <- rgamma(10, shape=1)
fred <- function(alpha)
return(apply(as.matrix(alpha), 1, logl, x = x))
curve(fred, from = min(x), to = max(x),
xlab = expression(alpha), ylab = expression(l(alpha)))
The asbio
package, associated with the book
Foundational and Applied Statistics for Biologists using R, by
Ken Aho provides a variety of animated plots to illustrate concepts
related to likelihoods.
These can be drawn using the anm.loglik
# install.packages("asbio")
## Not run:
##Normal log likelihood estimation of mu.
anm.loglik(X, dist="norm", parameter="mu")
##Add a plot describing log-likelihood calculation.
anm.loglik(X,dist="norm", parameter="mu",plot.calc=TRUE)
If we wish to obtain a numerical approximation to the MLE we will usually need to write functions for
Depending on which method and algorithms we use we will be required to provide the first and perhaops one or two of the other functions.
The following code illustrates how to compute and plot the likelihood and log-likelihood functions for the gamma distribution, which is used to model the rainfall data in the text.
x = scan("ILLRAIN.DAT",na.strings="*")
x = x[!]
alpha = seq(0.35,0.55,0.005);lambda = seq(1,3,0.05)
loglik = matrix(nrow=length(alpha),ncol=length(lambda))
n = length(x);sumx=sum(x);sumlogx = sum(log(x));
for(i in 1:length(alpha))
for(j in 1:length(lambda))
loglik[i,j] = n*alpha[i]*log(lambda[j])+(alpha[i]-1)*sumlogx-
The following function implements the Newton Raphson algorithm for the muon-decay example:
nr.muon <- function(x,alpha0=0.6,eps=0.000001)# ,l, s, Jbar)
n = length(x)
diff = 1;
alpha = alpha0;
l = sum(log(1+alpha*x))-n*log(2) # l<-l(x. alpha)
lJ <- numeric(); lJ[1] <- NA
lalpha <-numeric(); lalpha[1]<- alpha
alpha.old = alpha
s = sum(x/(1+alpha*x))
Jbar = sum((x/(1+alpha*x))^2)
alpha = alpha+s/Jbar
l = sum(log(1+alpha*x))-n*log(2)
lalpha <- c(lalpha, alpha)
lJ <- c(lJ, Jbar)
diff = abs(alpha-alpha.old)
This can be used with simulated data:
xMuon<- c(0.41040018, 0.91061564, -0.61106896, 0.39736684, 0.37997637,
0.34565436,0.01906680, -0.28765977, -0.33169289, 0.99989810,
-0.35203164, 0.10360470,0.30573300, 0.75283842, -0.33736278,
-0.91455101, -0.76222116, 0.27150040,-0.01257456, 0.68492778,
-0.72343908, 0.45530570, 0.86249107, 0.52578673, 0.14145264,
0.76645754, -0.65536275, 0.12497668, 0.74971197, 0.53839119)
results <- nr.muon (xMuon,alpha0=0.6,eps=0.000001)
df <- data.frame(iteration=1:length(results[[1]])-1,
alpha=results[[1]], J=results[[2]])
## iteration alpha J
## 1 0 0.6000000 NA
## 2 1 0.5040191 13.59408
## 3 2 0.4944591 11.48776
## 4 3 0.4943927 11.33154
## 5 4 0.4943927 11.33048
An improved version of the previous procedire can make it easier to apply to other functions.
# lo-likelihood
log_likelihood <- function(alpha, x) {
n <- length(x)
sum(log(1 + alpha * x)) - n * log(2)
# First derivative (gradient)
log_likelihood_prime <- function(alpha, x) {
sum(x / (1 + alpha * x))
# Second derivative (hessian)
log_likelihood_double_prime <- function(alpha, x) {
sum((x / (1 + alpha * x))^2)
# Running Newton-Raphson
newton_raphson <- function(x, log_lik_fn, grad_fn, hess_fn, alpha0 = 0.6, eps = 1e-6) {
n <- length(x)
diff <- 1
alpha <- alpha0
iter <- 0
# Inicializamos resultados
alpha_history <- numeric()
log_likelihood_history <- numeric()
alpha_history[1] <- alpha
log_likelihood_history[1] <- log_lik_fn(alpha, x)
while (diff > eps) {
iter <- iter + 1
grad <- grad_fn(alpha, x)
hess <- hess_fn(alpha, x)
# Actualizar alpha
alpha_new <- alpha + grad / hess
diff <- abs(alpha_new - alpha)
alpha <- alpha_new
# Guardar resultados
alpha_history <- c(alpha_history, alpha)
log_likelihood_history <- c(log_likelihood_history, log_lik_fn(alpha, x))
# Crear data frame con los resultados
results <- data.frame(
iteration = 0:(length(alpha_history) - 1),
alpha = alpha_history,
log_likelihood = log_likelihood_history
list(results = results, converged = diff <= eps)
This function can be called in the same way for any likelihood provided we have created the required functions:
result <- newton_raphson(
x = xMuon,
log_lik_fn = log_likelihood,
grad_fn = log_likelihood_prime,
hess_fn = log_likelihood_double_prime,
alpha0 = 0.6
## [1] TRUE
## iteration alpha log_likelihood
## 1 0 0.6000000 -19.65135
## 2 1 0.5040191 -19.58507
## 3 2 0.4944591 -19.58454
## 4 3 0.4943927 -19.58454
## 5 4 0.4943927 -19.58454
We create two functions one to compute the log-likelihood and the NR iteration. These can be used in calls to standard optimization functions in R such as “optimize”.
loglikGamma <- function(alpha, lambda, x){
n = length(x);sumx=sum(x);sumlogx = sum(log(x));
nr.gamma <- function(x,eps=0.000001, loglik)
n = length(x);sumx = sum(x);sumlogx = sum(log(x))
diff = 1;h = 0.0000001;
alpha = mean(x)^2/var(x);lambda=mean(x)/var(x)
theta = c(alpha,lambda)
ll0 <- loglik(alpha, lambda, x)
lalpha <-numeric(); llambda <-numeric(); lloglik<-numeric()
lalpha[1]<- alpha; llambda[1]<- lambda; lloglik <- ll0
theta.old = theta
g = gamma(alpha)
dg = (gamma(alpha+h)-gamma(alpha))/h
d2g = (gamma(alpha+2*h)-2*gamma(alpha+h)+ gamma(alpha))/h^2
s = c(n*log(lambda)+sumlogx-n*dg/gamma(alpha), n*alpha/lambda-sumx)
Jbar = matrix(c(n*(d2g*g-dg^2)/g^2,-n/lambda, -n/lambda,n*alpha/lambda^2),ncol=2)
theta = theta + solve(Jbar,s)
alpha = theta[1];lambda = theta[2]
lloglik <- c(lloglik, loglik(alpha, lambda,x))
lalpha <- c(lalpha, alpha)
llambda <- c(llambda, lambda)
diff = sum(abs(theta-theta.old))
list(theta=theta,Jbar=Jbar, alphas = lalpha, lambdas = llambda, logliks =lloglik)
This function can be used as follows:
xRain = scan("ILLRAIN.DAT",na.strings="*")
xRain = xRain[!]
results <- nr.gamma (x=xRain,eps=0.000001, loglikGamma)
df <- data.frame(iteration=1:length(results[[3]])-1,
alpha=results[[3]], lambda=results[[4]], loglik=results[[5]])
## iteration alpha lambda loglik
## 1 0 0.3762506 1.676755 183.3004
## 2 1 0.4306097 1.919006 185.3015
## 3 2 0.4404563 1.962887 185.3477
## 4 3 0.4407907 1.964378 185.3477
## 5 4 0.4407914 1.964380 185.3477
## 6 5 0.4407914 1.964380 185.3477
Newton-Raphson can be easily modified to implement Fisher Scoring.
loglikMUon<- function(alpha, x){
scoring.muon <- function(x,alpha0=0.6,eps=0.000001)
n = length(x)
diff = 1;
alpha = alpha0;
l = sum(log(1+alpha*x))-n/2
lI <- numeric(); lI[1] <- NA
lalpha <-numeric(); lalpha[1]<- alpha
alpha.old = alpha
s = sum(x/(1+alpha*x))
Ibar = n*(log((1+alpha)/(1-alpha))/(2*alpha^3)-1/(alpha^2))
alpha = alpha+s/Ibar
l = sum(log(1+alpha*x))-n/2
lalpha <- c(lalpha, alpha)
lI <- c(lI, Ibar)
diff = abs(alpha-alpha.old)
Running this function yields the following results: <- scoring.muon (xMuon,alpha0=0.6,eps=0.00000001) <- data.frame(iteration=1:length([[1]])-1,[[1]],[[2]])
## iteration alpha lambda loglik alpha I
## 1 0 0.3762506 1.676755 183.3004 0.6000000 NA
## 2 1 0.4306097 1.919006 185.3015 0.4991449 12.93711
## 3 2 0.4404563 1.962887 185.3477 0.4945764 11.82579
## 4 3 0.4407907 1.964378 185.3477 0.4943997 11.78517
## 5 4 0.4407914 1.964380 185.3477 0.4943929 11.78362
## 6 5 0.4407914 1.964380 185.3477 0.4943927 11.78356
function.Optimisation of a function fn in R may be done using the function , where the gradient function can be specified using the optional argument .
By default, the gradient-free method is used, which is robust against discontinuous functions but is in exchange rather slow.
Alternatively one can choose the quasi-Newton methods sketched above by assigning the value BFGS or L-BFGS-B to the argument method. For these methods, gradients are numerically approximated by default.
The function returns a list containing:
The following example uses the optim method on rainfall data:
loglikMuon<- function(alpha, data){
eps <- 1e-10
x <- xMuon
n = length(x)
eps <- 1e-10
result <- optim(par=alpha0,
fn = loglikMuon,
data = xMuon,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = eps, upper = 1-eps,
control = list(fnscale = -1),
hessian = TRUE)
(ml <- result$par)
## [1] 0.4943924
The EM algorithm can be used to maximize likelihoods when there are missing data or latent variables. In any case this means that the “real” likelihood we might want to maximize is not available.
When we are interested in genotypes but only phenotypes are available we face a missing data problem that can be solved with the EM Algorithm
A typical example appears in the study of the ABO blood groups:
counts <- c(200,50,300,40)#nA,nB,nO,nAB
theta.init <- c(0.333,0.333,0.333)#intial value:p,q,r
sample.size = sum(counts)
n.A = counts[1]
n.B = counts[2]
n.O = counts[3]
n.AB = counts[4]
##EM algorithm
theta.cur = theta.init = theta.cur
log.L <- vector(mode="numeric",length=0)
discrepancy = 1.0
i <- 1
theta.cur =
## E step
n.aa = n.A*theta.cur[1]^2/(theta.cur[1]^2+2*theta.cur[1]*theta.cur[3]) = n.A*2*theta.cur[1]*theta.cur[3]/(theta.cur[1]^2+2*theta.cur[1]*theta.cur[3]) = n.B*theta.cur[2]^2/(theta.cur[2]^2+2*theta.cur[2]*theta.cur[3]) = n.B*2*theta.cur[2]*theta.cur[3]/(theta.cur[2]^2+2*theta.cur[2]*theta.cur[3])
n.oo = n.O
n.ab = n.AB
## M step[1] = (2**sample.size)[2] = (2**sample.size)[3] = (2**sample.size)
logL <- n.A*log(([1]^2+2*[1]*[3]))+
log.L[i] <- logL
i <- i+1
print(c(round(,7), round(logL,6)))
discrepancy = max(abs( - theta.cur))
## [1] 0.2598870 0.0903955 0.6497175 -567.5200320
## [1] 0.2316384 0.0790271 0.6893344 -556.1996700
## [1] 0.2277707 0.0785684 0.6936609 -555.9220440
## [1] 0.2272926 0.0785423 0.6941651 -555.9158150
## [1] 0.2272346 0.0785400 0.6942254 -555.9157760
## [1] 0.2272276 0.0785398 0.6942326 -555.9157910
## [1] 0.2272268 0.0785397 0.6942335 -555.9157940
## [1] 0.2272267 0.0785397 0.6942336 -555.9157940
## [1] 0.2272266 0.0785397 0.6942336 -555.9157940
It’s obvious that the maximum likelihood values in M-steps is decreasing.
A typical example appears when we have (or we believe to have) mixtures of distributions whose parameters we wish to estimate. It is very common in such cases that the mixing coefficient is unknown.
The function EM_TwoMixtureNormal
implements the
algorithm described in Unit 3C (slides 38-42) to run Expectation
Maximization on a mixture of two normal distributions.
### two component EM
### pN(0,1)+(1-p)N(4,1)
EM_TwoMixtureNormal <- function(p, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, X, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-5)
while (diff>tol & iter<maxiter) {
## E-step: compute gamma:
d1=dnorm(X, mean=mu1, sd=sd1) # compute density in two groups
d2=dnorm(X, mean=mu2, sd=sd2)
## M-step: update p, mu and sd*gamma) / sum(gamma)*(1-gamma)) / sum(1-gamma)
resid2=X-mu2;^2*gamma) / sum(gamma))^2*(1-gamma)) / sum(1-gamma))
## calculate diff to check convergence
diff=sqrt(sum((^2+(^2 +(^2+(^2));;;;;
cat("Iter", iter, ": mu1=", round(, 2), ", mu2=",round(, 2), ", sd1=",round(, 2), ", sd2=",round(, 2), ", p=", round(, 3), ", diff=", diff, "\n")
We can use simulated values to see how well it performs:
X1=rnorm(n*p0); # n*p0 indiviudals from N(0,1)
X2=rnorm(n*(1-p0), mean=4) # n*(1-p0) individuals from N(4,1)
X=c(X1,X2) # observed data
hist(X, 50)
Now we use the function to estimate the parameters: We take aproximate guesses:
## initial values for EM
mu1=quantile(X, 0.1);
mu2=quantile(X, 0.9)
c(p, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2)
## 10% 90%
## 0.5000000 -0.4428414 5.1282855 1.0538148 1.0538148
With these initial guesses we use the function
to obtain estimates of the
EM_TwoMixtureNormal(p, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, X, maxiter=10, tol=1e-5)
## Iter 1 : mu1= 0.2 , mu2= 4.12 , sd1= 1.33 , sd2= 1.37 , p= 0.336 , diff= 1.271011
## Iter 2 : mu1= 0.13 , mu2= 4 , sd1= 1.21 , sd2= 1.08 , p= 0.309 , diff= 0.3439692
## Iter 3 : mu1= 0.06 , mu2= 4.03 , sd1= 1.1 , sd2= 1.01 , p= 0.309 , diff= 0.1521693
## Iter 4 : mu1= 0.03 , mu2= 4.03 , sd1= 1.05 , sd2= 1 , p= 0.307 , diff= 0.0624208
## Iter 5 : mu1= 0.01 , mu2= 4.03 , sd1= 1.03 , sd2= 1 , p= 0.305 , diff= 0.0316823
## Iter 6 : mu1= -0.01 , mu2= 4.02 , sd1= 1.01 , sd2= 1 , p= 0.303 , diff= 0.02060024
## Iter 7 : mu1= -0.02 , mu2= 4.02 , sd1= 1 , sd2= 1 , p= 0.301 , diff= 0.01434096
## Iter 8 : mu1= -0.02 , mu2= 4.02 , sd1= 1 , sd2= 1.01 , p= 0.3 , diff= 0.01008945
## Iter 9 : mu1= -0.03 , mu2= 4.01 , sd1= 0.99 , sd2= 1.01 , p= 0.3 , diff= 0.007093648
## Iter 10 : mu1= -0.03 , mu2= 4.01 , sd1= 0.99 , sd2= 1.01 , p= 0.299 , diff= 0.004976376
A shorter example:
X<- c(182, 163, 175, 185, 158)
c(p, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2)
## [1] 0.5 175.0 165.0 10.0 10.0
EM_TwoMixtureNormal(p, mu1, mu2, sd1, sd2, X, maxiter=10, tol=1e-5)
## Iter 1 : mu1= 177.03 , mu2= 167.08 , sd1= 9.19 , sd2= 9.89 , p= 0.554 , diff= 3.024658
## Iter 2 : mu1= 177.43 , mu2= 166.66 , sd1= 8.64 , sd2= 9.55 , p= 0.551 , diff= 0.8717903
## Iter 3 : mu1= 178.17 , mu2= 165.91 , sd1= 8.08 , sd2= 9.19 , p= 0.546 , diff= 1.240551
## Iter 4 : mu1= 179.13 , mu2= 164.97 , sd1= 7.19 , sd2= 8.57 , p= 0.539 , diff= 1.725874
## Iter 5 : mu1= 180.26 , mu2= 163.83 , sd1= 5.8 , sd2= 7.58 , p= 0.534 , diff= 2.343285
## Iter 6 : mu1= 181.02 , mu2= 162.64 , sd1= 4.36 , sd2= 6.17 , p= 0.542 , diff= 2.462683
## Iter 7 : mu1= 181.01 , mu2= 161.71 , sd1= 4.08 , sd2= 4.81 , p= 0.564 , diff= 1.676356
## Iter 8 : mu1= 180.74 , mu2= 160.79 , sd1= 4.17 , sd2= 3.33 , p= 0.592 , diff= 1.760796
## Iter 9 : mu1= 180.67 , mu2= 160.5 , sd1= 4.19 , sd2= 2.52 , p= 0.6 , diff= 0.8607251
## Iter 10 : mu1= 180.67 , mu2= 160.5 , sd1= 4.19 , sd2= 2.5 , p= 0.6 , diff= 0.02152215